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Step by Step

Step 1 - Check For Absorption

To make sure your masonry will absorb water, try to wet it. You can     
use a hose or a spray bottle or just throw some water from a cup. If     
the water beads up and the masonry doesn't change color then it         
cannot be effectively stained by our product. If the water soaks in         

and darkens the masonry temporarily until it dries, then our stain         
will work well for you.                                                                                    

Step 2 - Buy a Proven-Masonry-Stain Kit

The Colorant Kit: is designed for the home-owner/one-time-user.
This kit will cover 150 to 200 sqft depending on the mix used and     
the work being done. All five colors can be easily reordered. 20+      
additional colors available if needed. 

The Brickman Stain Kit: is designed for contractors and multiple
uses. This kit will cover 300 to 400 sqft depending on the mix used 
and the work being done. All ten colors can be easily reordered.      
20+ additional colors available if needed.   

Step 3 - Identify The Area That Needs To Be Stained

Step 4 - Choose A Test Area

-Test can be done on loose brick                                                       

-On a field panel                                                                                   

-Directly on the masonry wall in a hard to notice area                   

Step 5 - Developing a Recipe

- Choose the colors that will combine with the existing masonry to  
  create the look you want (think of color theory-green+red=brown,

- Always use leveled measurements to keep future batches               

- Write detailed notes on how much materials you are using to          
   assure the same look every time                                                          

- Start with the smallest amount of materials, you can always add    
   more but cannot take away                                                                    

- For a slight color change, use as little as ½ to 1 leveled teaspoon    
   of color.                                                                                                      
   For a major color change, start with 2 to 3 leveled teaspoons of      
   color. To lighten or darken, add as little as ¼ leveled teaspoon.       

- Allow mixture to dry for a least 30 minutes before deciding if          
  adjustments are needed.                                                                        

Step 6 - Staining Mortar

  1. Start with the bed (or horizontal joints) pulling your brush from
    left to right about 4-5 brick wide. (left-handed pull right to left)  


  2. Do 3-4 horizontal rows first. Before re-dipping your brush, stain
    all the head (vertical) joints between the 3-4 rows of horizontal  
    joints you just completed.                                                                  


  3. When staining a vertical joint, keep the brush pointing slightly     
    upwards. Doing this will help prevent drips from the brush.         


  4. Repeat the steps until all the mortar that needs colored has        
    been colored.                                                                                      


  5. If stain gets on surrounding brick while doing the mortar,           
    wipe it off immediately with a damp cloth before the stain dries.


  6. Repeat steps until all the mortar that need colored have been colored.  

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Step 2-Mortar
Step 3-Mortar
Step 1-Mortar
Step 5-Mortar
Step 4-Mortar
Step 6-Mortar
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